By train

The district of Prato is crossed by two rail lines: Bologna-Florence and Florence-Lucca. The line Bologna-Florence reaches three train stations in the district: Prato Centrale, Vaiano and Vernio. The line Florence-Lucca (heading to Viareggio or Pisa) reaches three train stations in the city: Prato Centrale, Prato Porta al Serraglio and Prato Borgonuovo. 
The municipalities of Carmignano, Poggio a Caiano and Montemurlo are served by the local bus service, which connects them to the train station.
To check departure times, book or purchase your tickets online, visit Trenitalia’s website.

Train stations in Prato

 Prato Centrale

Prato’s Central station (Prato Centrale) is the most important one within the entire district, since it is the only train station serving both rail lines (Bologna-Florence and Florence-Lucca).

Train station facilities: self-service ticket machine, ticket desks, parking for bikes, motorbikes and cars, taxi stands, restrooms, chemist’s, tourist information, café, waiting room.

For taxi call 0574 5656.

 Prato Porta al Serraglio

The train station Prato Porta al Serraglio is located on the rail line Florence-Lucca. The station is the closest to the historical centre of the city, and it is just 200 meters away from the central square Piazza del Duomo.

Train station facilities: self-service ticket machine, parking for bikes, motorbikes and cars, bar in the surroundings.

For taxi call 0574 5656.

 Prato Borgonuovo

The train station Prato Borgonuovo is located on the rail line Florence-Lucca. It has been opened in December 2005 and it serves the west/south-west part of the city.

Train station facilities: self-service ticket machine, parking for bikes, motorbikes and cars.

For taxi call 0574 5656.

 Vaiano train station

It is located on the rail line Bologna-Florence, and it is the only train station in the municipality of Vaiano. A bus service connects it to the other municipalities in the Bisenzio Valley (Vernio and Cantagallo) as well as to Prato and Castiglion de’ Pepoli.

Train station facilities: self-service ticket machine, parking for bikes, motorbikes and cars, restrooms.

For taxi call 0574 5656.

 Vernio train station

It is located on the rail line Bologna-Florence, and it is the only train station in the municipality of Vernio. A bus service connects it to the other municipalities in the Bisenzio Valley (Vaiano and Cantagallo) as well as to Prato and Castiglion de’ Pepoli.

Train station facilities: self-service ticket machine, parking for bikes, motorbikes and cars, restrooms, bar in the surroundings.

For taxi call 0574 5656.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/01/2023

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